
Archive for May, 2015


This story starts in the 80s and spans decades. This is Philip. IMG_0395 Philip, is the brother of my stepmother, Vonnie. Philip lived an openly gay lifestyle for many years. Along the way he contracted AIDS.  Meanwhile sometime after Vonnie married  my dad in the late 80s, she became a believer in Jesus. Vonnie loved Philip and stayed in contact with him over the years when others did not. IMG_0396Philip was a painter. I wonder if he looked inside himself a lot. His paintings seem to invite you in.

IMG_0394On a Monday night years ago my father called me. He was crying. I asked what was wrong. He said, “I’m so ashamed that I gave up on Philip….but Ben didn’t”. Dad went on to confess that Philip seemed so far from God that he gave up on Philip turning to God. However, my brother, Ben, had said years before that that he would keep praying for Philip. Vonnie kept loving Philip. Ben kept praying for Philip. They did not give up on Philip. On Sunday the day before, Philip had called Vonnie. He asked Vonnie how he could be forgiven and know God. Vonnie, a new believer herself, wasn’t sure of the right words to say. So she agreed to ask someone and call Philip back. She called my dad who was away at the lake. He came home just to help Vonnie with what to say to Philip. She called Philip back. IMG_0393 At the time she explained, as best as she could, the salvation message, but she did not know for sure until after Philip’s death. She spoke with the mother of Philip’s partner who had died years before Philip. She told Vonnie that she had shared with him the gospel and had seen him come to Christ. Philip created some wonderful art. As it turned out, Philip himself was a masterpiece of God (Ephesians 2:10).

I never met him. I wish I had.


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